Cyber Defense Agency's business is defending information and mission systems. We help secure the nation's critical infrastructure in both government and commercial sectors. CDA consultants average over 30 years of experience in the security arena. We provide consulting services, as well as lead projects in information assurance and survivability.
O. Sami Saydjari
President and Founder
Mr. O. Sami Saydjari is the founder and President of Cyber Defense Agency. Under his leadership and guidance, Mr. Saydjari has attracted twenty of the nation's top security experts to create a uniquely superb national asset to help defend the country's most important information systems. He provides vision and expertise for building a research and consulting organization that creates effective systematic defenses for high-value systems against aggressive cyber- attack. Mr. Saydjari has over 40 years of experience performing and directing information assurance research, including 20 years as a leader at the National Security Agency and three years as a Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA) Program Manager of Information Assurance where he created one of the most significant investments in information assurance in the nation's history.
Before founding the Cyber Defense Agency, Mr. Saydjari was the Information Assurance Program Manager for DARPA's Information Systems Office.
Mr. Saydjari earned his M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University. The Director of NSA named Mr. Saydjari an NSA fellow in 1993 and 1994. He has published more than a dozen landmark technical papers in the field of information security and has presented the results of his research in prestigious venues such as the National Cryptologic Quarterly, the National Computer Security Conference, IEEE Security and Privacy Conference, and the ACM New Security Paradigms Workshop.